



20089——20126月   华中科技大学(本科、学士)

20129——20176月   北京大学(研究生、博士)


20176——201712月  最全菠菜导航(讲师)

201712今       最全菠菜导航(副教授)











全国第2届老员工水利创新设计大赛,一等奖(国家级)            2011

湖北省第8挑战杯老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛,特等奖(省部级)   2011

武汉市第十七次社会科学优秀成果,优秀提名奖                                                    2020

第六届全国老员工能源经济学术创意比赛,二等奖                                                2020

最全菠菜导航教学科研奖”                                                            2020




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 71804194, 我国地区经济关联的隐含能源流动研究:基于多尺度投入产出模型, 2019-01 2021-12, 结题, 主持

2. 专业菠菜导航官网中央高校基本科研业务费, 团队项目, 2722019JCT006, 我国城市产业集聚与生态效应研究:基于能值理论, 2019-03 2020-12, 结题, 主持

3. 国家社科基金重大项目, 21&ZD072, 新发展格局下中国经济韧性的形成机理、动态评价与政策协同研究, 2021-12 2026-12, 在研, 参与

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 71673014, 生态约束下城市经济的最优规模研究:理论模型与实践, 2017-01-2020-12, 结题, 参与



1. 吴小芳. 能源利用的多尺度系统投入产出核算. 武汉大学出版社: 武汉, 2021.

2. 吴小芳, 吴姗姗. 能源与环境的经济研究简集. 武汉大学出版社: 武汉, 2021.



1. Xia QZ, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Wu SS, Ma XY. Unraveling the effect of domestic and foreign trade on energy use inequality within China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2023, 183, 113472. (SCI) 

2. Xia QZ, Han MY, Wu XF* (吴小芳). Evolution and drivers of energy embodied in intermediate and final trade between China and the world. Earth's Future 2022, 10(12). (SCI)

3. Sun XD, Cheng XL, Guan CH, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Zhang B*. Economic drivers of global and regional CH4 emission growth from the consumption perspective. Energy Policy 2022, 170, 113242. (SCI) 

4. Long J, Wu XF(吴小芳), Yang Q, Chen GQ, Liu ZH, Huang JL, Ba SS. Tracing energy-water-greenhouse gas nexus in national supply chains: China 2017. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 352, 131586.( SCI)

5. Liu Y, Yan CH, Gao JL, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Zhang B*. Mapping the changes of CH4 emissions in global supply chains. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 832, 155019. ( SCI)

6. Fu, Y, Xue, L, Yan, Y, Pan, Y, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Shao, Y. Energy Network Embodied in Trade along the Belt and Road: Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influencing Factors. Sustainability 2022, 13(19), 10530. (SCI)

7. 夏权智, 吴小芳*, 罗京. 中国中间品和最终品贸易中的隐含能源. 环境经济研究 2020, 5(3): 133-151.

8. Zhang B*, Zhang YQ, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Guan CH, Qiao H*. How the manufacturing economy impacts Chinas energy-related GHG emissions: Insights from structural path analysis. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 743: 140769. (SCI)

9. Zhang B, Wang Q, Liu Y, Zhang YW, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Sun XD, Qiao H*. Uneven development within China: Implications for interprovincial energy, water and arable land requirements. Journal of Environmental Management 2020, 261, 110231. (SCI)

10. Liu Y, Wu XD, Sun XD, Guan CH, Zhang B*, Wu XF* (吴小芳). Exports-driven primary energy requirements and the structural paths of Chinese regions. Frontiers of Earth Science 2020, 14(4), 803-815.(SCI)

11. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Global overview of crude oil use: From source to sink through inter-regional trade. Energy Policy 2019, 128: 476-486. (SCI)

12. Guo S, Zheng SP, Hu YH, Hong JK*, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Tang MH. Embodied energy use in the global construction industry. Applied Energy 2019, 256: 113838. (SCI)

13. Zhang B, Guan SH, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Zhao XL. Tracing natural resource uses via China's supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 196, 880-888. (SCI)

14. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Coal use embodied in globalized world economy: From source to sink through supply chain. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018, 81: 978-93. ( SCI)

15. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Energy use by Chinese economy: A systems cross-scale input-output analysis. Energy Policy 2017, 108: 81-90. (SCI)

16. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Global primary energy use associated with production, consumption and international trade. Energy Policy 2017, 111: 85-94. (SCI)

17. Chen GQ, Wu XF* (吴小芳). Energy overview for globalized world economy: Source, supply chain and sink. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017, 69: 735-49. (SCI)

18. Wu XF (吴小芳), Yang Q*, Xia XH, Wu TH, Wu XD. Sustainability of a typical biogas system in China: Emergy-based ecological footprint assessment. Ecological Informatics 2015, 26: 78-84. (SCI)

19. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Renewability and sustainability of biogas system: Cosmic exergy based assessment for a case in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015, 51: 1509-24. (SCI)

20. Wu XF (吴小芳), Wu XD, Li JS, Xia XH, Mi T, Yang Q*, Chen QG, Chen B, T. Hayat, A. Alsaedi*. Ecological accounting for an integrated pig-biogas-fish system based on emergetic indicators. Ecological Indicators 2014, 47: 189-97. (SCI)





Email: xfwu@zuel.edu.cn